Custom Rose Essence Remedy
Custom Rose Essence Remedy
Custom Rose Essence Remedy
Custom Rose Essence Remedy
Custom Rose Essence Remedy
Custom Rose Essence Remedy
Custom Rose Essence Remedy
Custom Rose Essence Remedy
Custom Rose Essence Remedy
Custom Rose Essence Remedy
Custom Rose Essence Remedy
Custom Rose Essence Remedy
Custom Rose Essence Remedy

Resonance Apothecary

Custom Rose Essence Remedy

Sale price$33.00

Create your own custom blend by selecting up to 6 individual Rose Essences of your choosing to support your individual needs through a specific time period or experience.

If you are needing extra confidence and self-esteem in this current period of your life journey, we suggest adding Gold Essence to take your remedy to the next level.


Introducing the Resonance Apothecary Love Languages Flower Essence Collection featuring unique roses from the garden. One of the best allies for the heart is rose. As we open our hearts to love of all kinds, the rose Devas made us aware that each rose color represents a different vibration of love. Every color  has a unique energy signature based on these different frequencies. Resonate with the color of love that specifically your heart is asking for. Let the color pick you.